We are proud to announce that Annie Oinkley & Frank Swineatra are official Midwest Pets For Life Spokespigs!!! We are honored that their mom, Sandi Bartels, has chosen Us to dress her fabulous piggies while they make their impact upon the folks at the assisted living facilities they will visit in their community.
I am truly honored and it’s a wonderful feeling knowing the clothes I create will make people smile and laugh as they see Annie & Frank dressed to-the-nines in their fancy and festive apparel. As you can see from the pictures, they’ve already been featured in their local newspaper, The Dewitt Observer.
They will also be making appearances at the Alverno, Northeast school, the Clinton Library, and the Save the Fourth parade. Watch for them at many area venues this spring and summer!! Please “Like” their FB Page Midwest Pets For Life, just click the link. Midwest Pets For Life

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